Multiples of Numbers 10 Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. You have 3 minutes! 😊 Your time is up .. sorry! Maths Times Tables 1 / 20 Select the numbers that are multiples of 12 84 192 47 132 29 Multiples of 12 are 132, 192, 84. 2 / 20 Select the numbers that are multiples of 11 42 99 50 121 132 Multiples of 11 are 121, 99, 132. 3 / 20 Select the numbers that are multiples of 14 48 49 63 70 98 Multiples of 14 are 70, 98. 4 / 20 Select the numbers that are multiples of 5 50 42 33 60 25 Multiples of 5 are 25, 50,60. 5 / 20 Select the numbers that are multiples of 6 54 27 36 48 41 Multiples of 6 are 36, 48, 54. 6 / 20 Select the numbers that are multiples of 5 75 42 33 25 50 Multiples of 5 are 25, 75, 50. 7 / 20 Select the numbers that are multiples of 10 33 70 90 50 42 Multiples of 10 are 50, 70, 90. 8 / 20 Select the numbers that are multiples of 9 198 54 22 81 37 Multiples of 9 are 198, 81, 54. 9 / 20 Select the numbers that are multiples of 6 18 36 29 54 45 Multiples of 6 are 18, 36, 54. 10 / 20 Select the numbers that are multiples of 14 28 86 56 44 35 Multiples of 14 are 28, 56. 11 / 20 Select the numbers that are multiples of 4 44 20 22 49 32 Multiples of 4 are 20, 32, 44. 12 / 20 Select the numbers that are multiples of 15 67 60 45 50 30 Multiples of 15 are 30, 60, 45. 13 / 20 Select the numbers that are multiples of 7 49 95 77 42 35 Multiples of 7 are 35, 42, 49, 77. 14 / 20 Select the numbers that are multiples of 9 56 99 64 45 81 Multiples of 9 are 45, 81, 99. 15 / 20 Select the numbers that are multiples of 15 85 60 33 90 75 Multiples of 15 are 60, 75, 90. 16 / 20 Select the numbers that are multiples of 13 97 78 26 52 89 Multiples of 13 are 52, 78, 26. 17 / 20 Select the numbers that are multiples of 11 120 86 110 77 33 Multiples of 11 are 33, 77, 110. 18 / 20 Select the numbers that are multiples of 13 78 105 65 91 24 Multiples of 13 are 65, 78, 91. 19 / 20 Select the numbers that are multiples of 8 72 64 42 58 26 Multiples of 8 are 72, 64. 20 / 20 Select the numbers that are multiples of 12 84 94 110 36 72 Multiples of 12 are 36, 72, 84. Take another quiz