10 Min Mixed SPAG Tests

  • This test picks 30 randomly selected english SPAG questions every time.
  • New questions will be presented every time.
  • Take this test regularly to build confidence.

You have 10 minutes for 30 questions  😊

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1 / 30

Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake

The policy aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate chage.

2 / 30

Choose the best word from the options, to complete the sentence below:

Look over [these] [their] [they're] [them] [there]; you can see the mountains from here.

3 / 30

Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake

Professional development workshops can enhance your carreer prospects.

4 / 30

Choose the best word from the options, to complete the sentence below:

The mysterious letter [arrived] [arrives] [arriving] [arrive] [will arrive] with no return address, raising curiosity for everyone who were present

5 / 30

Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake

He is known for his ecxeptional leadership and strategic vision.

6 / 30

Choose the best word from the options, to complete the sentence below:

The play received a standing ovation [from] [by] [with] [on] [in] the audience.

7 / 30

Identify the conjunction in the following sentence:
He didn’t attend the party because he was sick.

8 / 30

Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake

The conference focuses on the latest research in environmental scince.

9 / 30

Find the punctuation error in the sentence below

In a world where everyone has superpowers, Mia discovers she has the rare ability to nullify others powers.

10 / 30

Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake

The film's poingant story line resonates with audiences.

11 / 30

Choose the best word from the options, to complete the sentence below:

[These] [Their] [They're] [Them] [There] were no more tickets available for the concert.

12 / 30

Identify the adverb in the sentence:
They silently watched the stars in the night sky.

13 / 30

Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake

Engaging in regular physical activity can lead to numerous health benefis.

14 / 30

Find the punctuation error in the sentence below

"Lets make a time capsule and bury it in the garden," suggested Max excitedly.

15 / 30

What type of word is "committee" in the following sentence?
The committee planned the annual company event.

16 / 30

What type of word is "bright" in the following sentence?
The bright lights lit up the entire stadium.

17 / 30

Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake

The economic fourecast predicts gradual improvement in the market.

18 / 30

Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake

The story she wrote was incredibley humourous and entertained the whole class.

19 / 30

Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake

The company announced a new initiative to boost sustanability.

20 / 30

Choose the best word from the options, to complete the sentence below:

They decided to watch the sunrise [by] [on] [from] [within] [as] the top of the hill.

21 / 30

Choose the best word from the options, to complete the sentence below:

Can you help me carry [these] [their] [they're] [them] [there] boxes?

22 / 30

Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake

Maintaining self-disciplin is crucial when practicing for the school concert.

23 / 30

Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake

In science class, we learned how volcanos erupt spectacularly.

24 / 30

Choose the best word from the options, to complete the sentence below:

Last night, the hiker [survives] [survived] [is surviving] [will survive] in the wilderness with only a compass.

25 / 30

Choose the best word from the options, to complete the sentence below:

The jury deliberated [to] [for] [by] [with] [in] several hours before reaching a verdict.

26 / 30

Choose the best word from the options, to complete the sentence below:

The magic potion [begin] [begins] [began] [beginning] [will begin] to glow when the full moon rises next week.

27 / 30

Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake

The scientist's work has paved the way for new discoveris.

28 / 30

Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake

The engineer's innovative desgin solved a long standing problem.

29 / 30

Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake

Innovative solutions are required to address the challenges of climete change.

30 / 30

Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake

Proper hydretion is essential for maintaining optimal health.

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