11+ Maths Preparation

TestLife 11+ online maths practice tests offer a comprehensive range of practice tests and quizzes for essential 11+ preparation. This page covers all Maths topics that are important for 11plus exam preparation. With both timed and non-timed tests, students can build confidence at their own pace. Our mixed 10-minute and 20-minute tests provide an additional challenge for students looking to sharpen their skills under timed conditions.

  • The 11+ Maths exam covers topics from the National Curriculum, so most of what children need to know is taught in schools. However, it is important to note that some topics may not be covered in school until later in Year 6.
  • Parents who are teaching their children at home must ensure that all 11+ Maths topics are covered and practiced thoroughly. TestLife 11+ online maths practice tests and quizzes ensure that every essential topic is addressed in our 11+ Maths practice tests, providing comprehensive preparation.
  • When students are first learning a topic, it may be beneficial to start with non-timed quizzes. This allows children to focus on mastering the subject without the pressure of a timer.
  • Once a child feels more confident, they can move on to timed tests. At TestLife 11+, we offer both topic-specific quizzes, mixed quizzes and online maths practice tests with ample time OR non-timed so that children can practice at their own pace.
  • TestLife 11+ Maths online practice tests and quizzes are listed individually by topic and are non-timed OR leisurely timed. This allows children to take their time and fully grasp each concept before moving on.
  • After mastering a topic, students can attempt our timed mixed quizzes, such as 10-minute and 20-minute tests. These tests are designed for students who feel confident with their skills and want to practice under timed conditions.

Children can skip questions they haven’t covered yet during timed mixed tests, and afterward, they can visit their dashboard to review their past tests. This allows them to see which questions they found difficult or answered incorrectly, providing valuable insights into areas that need further practice.

  • Every child has their own approach to studying. Some may prefer to tackle each topic individually before moving on to timed tests, while others may choose to mix both approaches simultaneously.
  • At TestLife 11+, we offer both topic-based practice tests and mixed tests, allowing children and parents to find the study method that works best for them. There is no right or wrong way to prepare—what matters is consistency and confidence.
  • It is essential to know which areas children struggle with the most. The basic calculation operations and times tables are where many children make mistakes. Often, errors occur in mental calculations, such as problems involving division (e.g., 5100 Ă· 17), or when carrying figures in multi-step operations.
  • Don’t rush into new topics until your child is comfortable with the current one. Mastery of basic skills is essential for 11+ success.
  • Not thoroughly reading the question before solving.
  • Confusion between the horizontal and vertical axes on graphs.
  • Misunderstanding the use of decimal places.
  • Times tables mistakes in mental calculations (e.g., 4800 Ă· 30 OR 98 x 18).
  • Mistakes when carrying figures in addition, subtraction, multiplication, or division problems.
  • Early preparation helps; however, there is no need to go regimental. At this stage, it’s crucial to focus on developing basics. Tables and four operations (+, -, Ă·, x) skills are absolutely essential.
  • Children who develop strong basic skills early will find it easier to tackle more complex Maths problems in later years.
  • While some children excel at Maths, they may struggle in other subjects like English comprehension or Verbal Reasoning. In these cases, it’s a good idea to switch focus to the more challenging subjects once your child is confident in their Maths skills.
  • TestLife 11+ offers a wide range of resources across all subjects, so you can ensure balanced preparation for the 11+ exam.

Useful References:

Make use of the tutorials on BBC bitesize to understand the basics of Numbers, Calculations,Percentages, Fractions etc:

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