Timed Quiz 0 votes, 0 avg 8 Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. 12345678910 You have 4 mins! 😊 Your time is up .. sorry! 1 / 10 Select one word from the answer choices that fits both sets of words below (manage administer) (bolt sprint) conduct head run tear race 2 / 10 Select one word from the answer choices that fits both sets of words below (guzzle gobble) (pass canyon) cram gorge gulf ravine devour 3 / 10 Select one word from the answer choices that fits both sets of words below (scatter sprinkle) (dirt soot) spread muck dust filth tarnish 4 / 10 Select one word from the answer choices that fits both sets of words below (plan scheme) (patch area) land conspiracy plot ploy lot 5 / 10 Select one word from the answer choices that fits both sets of words below (shattered smashed) (bankrupt poor) beggared broke fractured destitute torn 6 / 10 Select one word from the answer choices that fits both sets of words below (learn expert) (main principal) grasp acquire master prime predominant 7 / 10 Select one word from the answer choices that fits both sets of words below (rearrange mix) (shamble disorder) jumble stumble shuffle reorder muddle 8 / 10 Select one word from the answer choices that fits both sets of words below (firearm weapon) (search hunt) ransack rifle knife plunder shooter 9 / 10 Select one word from the answer choices that fits both sets of words below (sail cruise) (shore beach) coast cliff slide meander sandy 10 / 10 Select one word from the answer choices that fits both sets of words below (boat ferry) (transport transfer) freight load ship carry lift Your score is Take another quiz UnTimed Quiz 0 votes, 0 avg 6 Report a question What's wrong with this question? You cannot submit an empty report. Please add some details. 12345678910 1 / 10 Select one word from the answer choices that fits both sets of words below (private personal) (suggest announce) furtive covert intimate indicate allude 2 / 10 Select one word from the answer choices that fits both sets of words below (learn expert) (main principal) predominant grasp acquire master prime 3 / 10 Select one word from the answer choices that fits both sets of words below (educated wise) (studied read) talented bright saw aware learned 4 / 10 Select one word from the answer choices that fits both sets of words below (guzzle gobble) (pass canyon) devour gulf ravine cram gorge 5 / 10 Select one word from the answer choices that fits both sets of words below (boat ferry) (transport transfer) lift carry ship load freight 6 / 10 Select one word from the answer choices that fits both sets of words below (scatter sprinkle) (dirt soot) filth tarnish spread muck dust 7 / 10 Select one word from the answer choices that fits both sets of words below (torment torture) (infestation invasion) malady plague anguish afflict pain 8 / 10 Select one word from the answer choices that fits both sets of words below (nurture cultivate) (lift elevate) rear raise hoist nurse boost 9 / 10 Select one word from the answer choices that fits both sets of words below (decline fall) (immerse plunge) dip swim plummet submerge drench 10 / 10 Select one word from the answer choices that fits both sets of words below (shattered smashed) (bankrupt poor) fractured beggared destitute broke torn Your score is Take another quiz