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1 / 10

Select one word from the answer choices that fits both sets of words below
(sail cruise)   (shore beach)

2 / 10

Select one word from the answer choices that fits both sets of words below
(scatter sprinkle)  (dirt soot)

3 / 10

Select one word from the answer choices that fits both sets of words below
(private personal) (suggest announce)

4 / 10

Select one word from the answer choices that fits both sets of words below
(squash concentrate) (affectionate loving)

5 / 10

Select one word from the answer choices that fits both sets of words below
(guzzle gobble)  (pass canyon) 

6 / 10

Select one word from the answer choices that fits both sets of words below
(tidy orderly)  (undiluted pure) 

7 / 10

Select one word from the answer choices that fits both sets of words below
(learn expert) (main principal)

8 / 10

Select one word from the answer choices that fits both sets of words below
(boat ferry)  (transport transfer) 

9 / 10

Select one word from the answer choices that fits both sets of words below
(manage administer)   (bolt sprint) 

10 / 10

Select one word from the answer choices that fits both sets of words below
(rearrange mix) (shamble disorder)

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