Example Question
Three of these four words are given in code.
The codes are not written in the same order as the words and one code is missing.
3752 5674 4689
Tips to solve
- Work out which number represents which letter.
- Begin by focusing on one number which appears more than once.
- If this number appears in the same position in two of the codes, you might be able to spot the same pattern with the letters. If not, compare the positions of your chosen letter and see if this is reflected in the words.
3752 5674 4689 - For example, the number 7 appears in 2nd position in the first code (3752) and 3rd position in the second code (5674).
- Looking at the 2nd letters of the words, I is the one letter that also appears in 3rd position in a word, so the letter I must be represented by the number 7 and so on. Once we’ve substituted these letters into the remaining number codes, we can work out what a few more numbers stand for.
- Knowing that 4=L (from NAIL), we can tell that 4689 stands for LATE and, therefore, that 8=T and 9=E.
- Looking at the third and final number code, 3752, we can conclude that 3=F because the two remaining words both begin with F. This helps to establish what other letters stand for and answer further questions on missing words or codes.