You have 100 seconds for 10 questions, good luck 😊 Sorry your time's up! English - Synonyms 1 / 10 What is the synonym of "business"? activity hobby leisure enterprise amateur 2 / 10 What is the word closest to the meaning of "garment"? attire house shelter clothing 3 / 10 What is the word closest to the meaning of "ridiculous"? reasonable logical rational sensible absurd 4 / 10 What is the word closest to the meaning of "perilous"? safe harmless secure dangerous sound 5 / 10 What is the word closest to the meaning of "origin"? purpose end destination goal source 6 / 10 What is the word closest to the meaning of "lofty"? high flight short low attic 7 / 10 What does "linger" mean? move stay leave depart go 8 / 10 What is the word closest to the meaning of "legible"? unreadable illegible readable blurry clear 9 / 10 What is the word closest to the meaning of "shrine" holy place house palace tower castle 10 / 10 What is the synonym of "unsurpassed"? unrivaled subpar ordinary inferior mediocre Take another quiz