0% You have 20 minutes for 50 questions 😊 Your time is up .. sorry! 1 / 50 Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake The company announced a new initiative to boost sustanability. to boost sustanability. announced a The company new initiative The correct spelling is "sustainability" 2 / 50 What is the word closest to the meaning of "weary"? energetic hardworking rested active tired 3 / 50 Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake His dedication to excellence is truly admierable. to excellence is truly admierable. His dedication The correct spelling is "admirable" 4 / 50 Find the punctuation error in the sentence below Mr. Thompson announced "We'll be visiting the science museum next week, so prepare your questions." Missing quotation mark Missing apostrophe Missing capital letter Missing comma Missing question mark Missing comma after 'announced'. 5 / 50 severe means: harsh weary untrue strange 6 / 50 Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake The cheff prepared a delicious gourmet meal for the guests. meal for the guests. prepared a delicious gourmet The cheff The correct spelling is "chef" 7 / 50 What is the word closest to the meaning of "weird"? strange usual normal ordinary common 8 / 50 What is the word closest to the meaning of "wretched"? joyful happy content satisfied miserable 9 / 50 Find the punctuation error in the sentence below "After reading that book my imagination soared," said Ella with a sparkle in her eyes. Missing question mark Missing capital letter Missing Apostrophe Missing quotation mark Missing comma Missing comma after 'book'. 10 / 50 Choose the best word from the options, to complete the sentence below: The dragon [sleeps] [slept] [was sleeping] [sleep] [has slept] when the heroes arrived. sleeps has slept slept sleep was sleeping The dragon was sleeping when the heroes arrived. 11 / 50 What is the word most opposite to the meaning of "traitor"? rebel friend loyalist turncoat 12 / 50 What is the word most opposite to the meaning of "trivial"? unimportant minor significant insignificant 13 / 50 What does "wound" mean? heal injury damage repair cure 14 / 50 Find the punctuation error in the sentence below Before you go camping, always check the weather forecast," Dad reminded us, packing the tent. Missing comma Missing apostrophe Missing capital letter Missing question mark Missing quotation mark Missing opening quotation mark. 15 / 50 Which of the following words is the least similar to the meaning of "twilight"? nightfall dusk sunset daylight 16 / 50 Find the punctuation error in the sentence below "This puzzle is really challenging but I think we can solve it together" Ava encouraged her friend. Missing apostrophe Missing question mark Missing comma Missing quotation mark Missing capital letter Missing comma after 'together'. 17 / 50 Select the phrase or word that represents the antonym of "torment"? torture suffering peace of mind agony 18 / 50 Choose the best word from the options, to complete the sentence below: Every night, the haunted house on the hill [whisper] [whispers] [whispered] [whispering] [has whispered] secrets to those who dare to listen. has whispered whispering whispered whisper whispers Every night, the haunted house on the hill whispers secrets to those who dare to listen. 19 / 50 Choose the best word from the options, to complete the sentence below: The human heart [beat] [beats] [beating] [beated] [will beat] an average of 100,000 times per day. beating beated beat beats will beat The human heart beats an average of 100,000 times per day. 20 / 50 Choose the best word from the options, to complete the sentence below: Dinosaurs [roamed] [roaming] [roam] [roams] [will roam] the Earth millions of years before humans appeared. roam roamed will roam roams roaming Dinosaurs roamed the Earth millions of years before humans appeared. 21 / 50 What is the synonym of "wasteful"? economical frugal extravagant conservative thrifty 22 / 50 What does "wither" mean? grow thrive die trail fade 23 / 50 Choose the best word from the options, to complete the sentence below: The robot [was designed] [designs] [designed] [designing] [will design] to help people with their daily tasks but developed its own ideas. designs was designed designing designed will design The robot was designed to help people with their daily tasks but developed its own ideas. 24 / 50 Select a word that represents the antonym of "tolerable"? funny unbearable moderate amicable 25 / 50 Find the punctuation error in the sentence below "Remember a balanced diet is crucial for your health," the nutritionist told the class. Missing comma Missing question mark Missing apostrophe Missing quotation mark Missing capital letter Missing comma after 'Remember'. 26 / 50 Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake Technollogy plays a crucial role in modern education. a crucial modern education. Technollogy plays role in The correct spelling is "technology" 27 / 50 What is the word most opposite to the meaning of "toleration"? indulgence broad-mindedness acceptance intolerance 28 / 50 What is the antonym of "tranquil"? disturbed calm sober serene 29 / 50 data means: tadpole information workout code 30 / 50 Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake The musium's exhibit on ancient Egypt was fascinating. exhibit on The musium's ancient Egypt was fascinating. The correct spelling is "museum's" 31 / 50 Find the punctuation error in the sentence below "Can you believe that dinosaurs once roamed this very land" mused Oliver looking at the ground. Missing quotation mark Missing question mark Missing capital letter Missing comma Missing apostrophe Missing question mark 32 / 50 What is the word closest to the meaning of "wholesome"? beneficial unhealthy unwholesome nutritious 33 / 50 Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake The athelete's performance was affected by a severe injury. affected by a severe injury. The athelete's performance was The correct spelling is "athlete's" 34 / 50 Choose the best word from the options, to complete the sentence below: The Great Wall of China [was built] [built] [building] [builds] [is built] over centuries to protect against invasions. is built builds building was built built The Great Wall of China was built over centuries to protect against invasions. 35 / 50 Find the punctuation error in the sentence below The stars seem to tell a story if you know how to read them," Grandpa Joe explained. Missing quotation mark Missing question mark Missing comma Missing capital letter Missing apostrophe Missing opening quotation mark. 36 / 50 Which of the following words is the opposite of "transference"? retention conduction conveyance transfer 37 / 50 Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake The environment is severely impacted by plastic polution. plastic polution. is severely The environment impacted by The correct spelling is "pollution" 38 / 50 Find the punctuation error in the sentence below "The ancient Egyptians built pyramids without any modern machinery," mrs. patel informed her amazed students. Missing comma Missing quotation mark Missing apostrophe Missing question mark Missing capital letter Mrs. Patel should start with capital letters 39 / 50 Choose the best word from the options, to complete the sentence below: The Earth [rotates] [rotated] [rotating] [rotate] [will rotate] on its axis once every 24 hours. rotated rotating rotate rotates will rotate The Earth rotates on its axis once every 24 hours. 40 / 50 What is the word closest to the meaning of "wholly"? doubtfully completely mostly partially nearly 41 / 50 Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake Learning a second language is an invaluble skill. is an Learning a invaluble skill. second language The correct spelling is "invaluable" 42 / 50 Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake Reading is a great way to expand your vocabularry. expand your vocabularry. a great Reading is way to The correct spelling is "vocabulary" 43 / 50 Select the phrase or word that represents the antonym of "tyrant"? just ruler dictator joker president 44 / 50 Find the punctuation error in the sentence below "Why do we dream when we sleep" asked Lily, always curious about the mysteries of the mind. Missing question mark Missing apostrophe Missing quotation mark Missing capital letter Missing comma Missing question mark after 'sleep'. 45 / 50 Find the punctuation error in the sentence below "Lets make a time capsule and bury it in the garden," suggested Max excitedly. Missing question mark Missing comma Missing apostrophe Missing capital letter Missing quotation mark Missing apostrophe in Let's 46 / 50 Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake The novel's intrigate plot was full of unexpected twists. intrigate plot of unexpected twists. was full The novel's The correct spelling is "intricate" 47 / 50 What is the antonym of "turbulent"? calm chaotic violent stormy 48 / 50 Choose the best word from the options, to complete the sentence below: The magic potion [begin] [begins] [began] [beginning] [will begin] to glow when the full moon rises next week. begin begins beginning will begin began The magic potion will begin to glow when the full moon rises next week. 49 / 50 Choose the best word from the options, to complete the sentence below: Photosynthesis [is] [was] [be] [being] [are] the process by which plants make their food using sunlight. was are is be being Photosynthesis is the process by which plants make their food using sunlight. 50 / 50 Choose the best word from the options, to complete the sentence below: The time machine [has worked] [worked] [working] [works] [will work] perfectly until it unexpectedly sent them to the wrong century. has worked will work working worked works The time machine worked perfectly until it unexpectedly sent them to the wrong century. 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