10 Min Mixed SPAG Tests

  • This test picks 30 randomly selected english SPAG questions every time.
  • New questions will be presented every time.
  • Take this test regularly to build confidence.

You have 10 minutes for 30 questions  😊

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1 / 30

Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake

Reading is a great way to expand your vocabularry.

2 / 30

Identify the collective noun in the following sentence:
The herd of cows grazed in the meadow.

3 / 30

Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake

She practiced her violin daily to improve her techniqe.

4 / 30

Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake

The organisation's mission is to support comunities in need.

5 / 30

Choose the best word from the options, to complete the sentence below:

The festival is held annually [in] [on] [by] [to] [for] celebrate the local culture and traditions.

6 / 30

What type of word is "family" in the following sentence?
Her entire family went on vacation last summer.

7 / 30

Choose the best word from the options, to complete the sentence below:

Every morning, in the bakery, the scent of fresh bread [fills] [has filled] [been filling] [will fill] the air.

8 / 30

Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake

The student cauncil is planning a spectacular end-of-year carnival.

9 / 30

Find the punctuation error in the sentence below

The stars seem to tell a story if you know how to read them," Grandpa Joe explained.

10 / 30

Identify the collective noun in the following sentence:
The team celebrated their victory at the end of the game.

11 / 30

Choose the best word from the options, to complete the sentence below:

The campers sat around the fire, telling stories [in] [by] [with] [on] [through] the night.

12 / 30

Choose the best word from the options, to complete the sentence below:

The novel is set [on] [by] [to] [in] [for] a small town that holds many secrets.

13 / 30

Find the punctuation error in the sentence below

"Shall we start a band" Noah asked his friends, dreaming of fame.

14 / 30

Choose the best word from the options, to complete the sentence below:

Tomorrow, the astronaut [prepares] [prepared] [is preparing] [will prepare] for a spacewalk to repair the satellite.

15 / 30

Choose the best word from the options, to complete the sentence below:

The beach was crowded [by] [with] [for] [to] [in] tourists from all over the world.

16 / 30

Find the punctuation error in the sentence below

"Did you see the lunar eclipse last night" Sam excitedly shared with his friend.

17 / 30

Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake

The historical site offers visitors a glmpse into the past.

18 / 30

Choose the best word from the options, to complete the sentence below:

The detective [notices] [noticed] [noticing] [notice] [will notice] a clue that was overlooked by everyone else at the crime scene.

19 / 30

Find the punctuation error in the sentence below

Mr. Thompson announced "We'll be visiting the science museum next week, so prepare your questions."

20 / 30

What type of word is "before" in the following sentence?
We ate dinner before watching the movie last night.

21 / 30

Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake

The health benifits of regular exercise are well documented.

22 / 30

What type of word is "army" in the following sentence?
The army marched forward in perfect formation.

23 / 30

Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake

Our family enjoys hiking in the mountains during autumm.

24 / 30

Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake

Successful entrepreneurs often have a strong vision for thier businesses.

25 / 30

Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake

The journelist's article shed light on important social issues.

26 / 30

Choose the best word from the options, to complete the sentence below:

This coming weekend, the volunteers [plants] [planted] [is planting] [will plant] trees to restore the forest.

27 / 30

Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake

The musium's exhibit on ancient Egypt was fascinating.

28 / 30

Choose the best word from the options, to complete the sentence below:

The human heart [beat] [beats] [beating] [beated] [will beat] an average of 100,000 times per day.

29 / 30

Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake

The museum offers educative programes for students of all ages.

30 / 30

Find the part of the sentence that has a spelling mistake

In my oppinion, the best ice cream flavor is chocolate.

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